Monday, December 29, 2008


I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to be my Lord sometime... of course, it probably helps that God is infinitely patient, loving and caring. I'm always forgetting even the most simplest of acts in our relationship: saying "thank you".

I catch myself a lot with this, but usually well after the fact. The other day my wife and I traveled back from Indiana through fog and melting snow, and I prayed at the start of the trip for a safe journey. God was faithful and protected us, but it wasn't until literally the next day that I caught myself, winced, looked up and said, "Thanks!"

We pray so little when things go well, and so much when they do not, and then get frustrated at the perception that God's just not listening and answering fast enough for our liking. In looking at the attitudes of my young niece and nephews this holiday, I can identify with that behavior -- a kind of "what have you done for me LATELY?" response that nullifies everything that came before.

I think when the hard times come, it is so very important to continue to say "thanks" and remember all of the ways God's supported, protected and blessed you over the years, because it reminds you that He's not done and hasn't lifted His hand from you in the least.

God was very good to me this year -- thanks, Lord, for all I have, all I am, and all you are to me.

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

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